
Imi puteti traduce si mie in engleza va rog . in 1909 capitala avea de sapte ori mai putini locuitori decat acum , doar 300.000 . numarul locuitorilor din capitala fiind acum 1.920.610. orasul se extimdea doar pe un sfert din suprafata de azi .
Acum 100 de anii , blocurile din bucuresti se puteau numara pe degete , cele mai inalte aveau trei etaje si erau situate in centrul orasului . in prezent bucuresti este acum plin de blocuri . la inceputul veacului aglomeratia nu aparuse inca pe strazile capitalei , ele fiind strabatute doar de tramvaie care asigurau transportul public . acum bucuresti este un oras foarte aglomerat si plin de masini . cersetori de pe srazi erau mai rari si mai discreti . politia ii vana mai serios decat azi . trasurile erau cele care faceau munca taxiurilor de azi . in prezent tehnologia este foarte avansata in comparatie cu trecutul . urgent

Răspuns :

In 1909 the capital had seven times fewer inhabitants than now, only 300,000. the number of inhabitants in the capital is now 1,920,610. the city exited only a quarter of today's surface.100 years ago, the blocks in Bucharest could be counted on their fingers, the highest ones had three floors and were located in the center of the city. Currently Bucharest is now full of blocks. At the beginning of the agglomeration, the agglomeration did not yet appear on the streets of the capital, being crossed only by trams providing public transport. Now Bucharest is a very crowded city full of cars. beggars on the slopes were rarer and more discreet. Police take them away more seriously than today. The trains were the ones that were doing the work of today's taxis. At present, technology is very advanced compared to the past.