
As vrea exercitiul 13 va rog , repede ! Si tradus

As Vrea Exercitiul 13 Va Rog Repede Si Tradus class=

Răspuns :

2. One girl didn't know anyone in the States
(O fata nu stia pe nimeni din State)
3.Most people had never seen anything like it
(Majoritatea oamenilor nu vazusera asa ceva)
4.Nobody did anything wrong
(Nimeni nu a facut nimic gresit)
5.There isn't anybody in the computer room
(Nu e nimeni in camera computer-ului)
6.Dave never swims in the sea
(Dave nu inoata niciodata in mare)
7.I haven't been anywhere last week
(Nu am fost nicaieri saptamana trecuta)
8.It's important to not panic
(E important sa nu te panichezi)
9.Have you done your homework?
(Ti-ai facut tema?)