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ajutor!!!!!! va rog frumos ( poza) povestea aia in engleza

Ajutor Va Rog Frumos Poza Povestea Aia In Engleza class=

Răspuns :

In romana :
 Extraterestrii. Niste Fiinţe supranaturale. Mii de legende ii urmaresc... si totusi .. nici una nu poate fi confirmata cu certitudine. Dar cred ca asta ar fi farmecul. Misterul ce ii inconjoara.... Multe dintre povesti sunt false.... dar poate .. Poate unele sunt adevarate.  imaginatia noastra isi spune cuvantul si ne ajuta sa ne imaginam cam cum ar arata ei. Cu coada, fara coada. Cu cinci ochi, fara ochi. Dar.. in tot contextul asta... in dorinta de a afla daca sunt reali, amuzamentul nu lipseste niciodata.
Cu alte cuvinte.. Nimic nu poate fi spus cu certitudine.

In engleza : Aliens.Some supernatural beings.Thousands of legends follow them ... and yet .. none can be confirmed with certainty.But I think that would be the charm. The mystery that surrounds them ....Many of the stories are false .... but maybe ..Maybe some are true.Our imagination speaks its word and helps us to imagine just how it would look. With tail, no tail. With five eyes, no eyes.But .. in all this context ... in the desire to find out if they are real, the amusement is never missing. In other words .. Nothing can be said with certainty.

Sper ca e ok .........