
complete these sentences with the correct form, infinitive of gerund, of the verbd in the box vreau și traducerea

Complete These Sentences With The Correct Form Infinitive Of Gerund Of The Verbd In The Box Vreau Și Traducerea class=

Răspuns :

I enjoy (1) reading books very much (Imi place foarte mult sa citesc carti.)

I prefer (2) to read in my own language but last year, at school, we started (3) studying books in English, which I really like. ( Prefer sa citesc in limba mea materna dar anul trecut, la scoala, am inceput sa studiem in engleza, ceea ce imi place.)

I don't mind (4) to don't understand every word but and I hate (5) to have to look words up in the dictionary. ( nu ma deranjeaza sa nu inteleg fiecare cuvant dar detest sa sa trebuiasca sa ma uit dupa cuvinte in dictionar.)

I like most kinds of books but I can't imagine (6) choosing to read a love story for pleasure. (Imi plac majoritatea cartilor dar nu imi pot imagina alegand sa citesc o poveste de dragoste din placere.)

I love (8) discussing books with other students. (Ador sa vorbesc despre carti cu alti studenti.)

I would like (9) to become a critic one day. (Mi-ar placea sa devin critic [literar] intr-o zi.)

Pe 7 nu l-am mancat eu ci nu exista in exercitiu.