
What do you do every weekend?(10 lines)Present Simple

Răspuns :

I always read books.-Mereu citesc carti.
I sometime go to cinema.-Cateodata merg la cinema.
I always to my homeworks.-Mereu imi fac temele.
I often play football.-De multe ori joc fotbal.
I never go to school in weekend.-Niciodata nu merg la scoala laa sfarsitul saptamanii.
I often make cakes with my mum.-De multe ori fac prajituri cu mama.
I sometime travel with my dad in a journey.-Cateodata  calatoresc impreuna cu tata intr-o calatorie.
I always lisent to music.-Mereu ascult muzica.
I sometime go to my grandparents.-Cateodata merg la bunicii mei.
I sometime go to stay after night at my friends.-Cateodata merg sa stau peste noapte la prietenii mei.