
My brother usually wakes up at 7 o'clok.He goes to the to beathroom wash his face and brush his teeth.Then he goes to the kitchen to have breakfast.After that he takes his schoolbag goes and he to school.The classes start at eight o'clok and finish at 12.At noon he comes home and he has lunch with me.Thei he do his homework he reads,he writes and he learns everything because he wants to be a good pupil.In the afternoon he meets his frients.He plays and he has fun.At seven he comes back home.In the evening we have supper with our family.Next,we watch TV.At obout half past nine we go to bed.Good night,everybody.

Răspuns :

Fratele meu se trezeste de obicei la ora 7.El merge la baie se spala le fata si pe dinti.Iar apoi merge in bucatarie sa serveasca micul dejun.Dupa asta isi ia ghiozdanul si pleaca la scoala.Orele incep la ora 8 si se termina la ora 12.Dupa amiaza el vine acasa si serveste pranzul cu mine.Isi face temele,citeste.El scrie si citeste tor pt ca vrea sa fie bun.Dupa aceea el se intalneste cu prietenii si se joaca si se distreaza.La 7 vine acasa si serveste cina cu familia lui.Dupa aceea ne uitam la TV iar cand trece de 9 mergem la culcare.Noapte buna tuturor