
5 prop cu : -although -eventhough -tough -however -but (Fiecare cate una)

Răspuns :

Although people have similar upbringings, they react differently in any situation. (=desi)
Desi oamenii au aceeasi educatie, ei reactioneaza diferit in orice situatie.

They have enough money, but they don't know how to spend theim (au destui bani, dar nu stiu cum sa-i cheltuiasca.)

Even though we are looking at these issues from different angles, most of us can agree on several things. (
(Cu toate că privim lucrurile din perspective diferite, majoritatea dintre noi suntem de acord cu câteva aspecte.)

It is going to be tough but it can be comfortable as well (demersul poate fi dificil, dar si linistitor in acelasi timp)
Dancing, however, can be a good mean to express yourself. (Dansul, oricum, poate fi un mod de a te exprima)