
Traduceti in engleza:

Legenda spune ca orice om care merge in cimitir in mijlocul noaptii de Halloween poate sa vada fantome, dar petul este pierderea propriului suflet.

Intr-o astfel de noapte, un grup de prieteni au hotarat sa vada daca legenda era adevarata. Au mers in cimitir, dar unul dintre ei nu a indraznit si a hotarat sa ramana la intrare. Baietii au inceput sa alerge prin cimitir si o buna bucata de timp nu s-a intamplat nimic. La un moment dat, baiatul ramas in afara cimitirului i-a vazut pe ceilalti indreptandu-se spre el cu niste ochi mari si iesiti din orbite.

A inceput sa tipe, iar oamenii care locuiau in apropierea cimitirului l-au auzit si i-au venit in ajutor. Cand au ajuns, baietii erau morti, iar cel care ramasese in afara cimitirului a amutit si nu s-a putut afla nici pana azi ce se intampla, de fapt, in cimitir in noaptea de Halloween!

Răspuns :

Legend has it that any man who goes to the cemetery in the middle of the Halloween night can see ghosts, but the pet is the loss of his own soul.
In a night like this, one friends group decided to see the legend is true. 
They went to the cemetery, but one of them did not dare and a decision to stay at the entrance. The boys started to run through the cemetery and a good amount of time did not happen. At one point, the boy left the cemetery saw the others pointing to him with big eyes and out of the orbit. A beginning to scream, and people living near the cemetery heard it and came to help. When they arrived, the boys were dead and the other was out of the cemetery and it was not possible to find out what happened in the cemetery in the Halloween night !