
Face ti o compunere despre:
-ofata care abia s a trezit
- apoi a vazut pe cer un ozn
- ozn ul a aterizat in curtea din spate a casei ei
-extraterestrul care a iesit din ozn pleaca inapoi in spatiu; si va rog sa mai adaugati ceva printre tot ce v am zis ca sa para a fi un text lung

Răspuns :

Sarah was really amazed. 
It was early in the morning when she woke up that day. She doesn't even remember what was the time when it all happened. Well, honestly, how can someone remember such a minor detail when they encouter such a 'thing'? She got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. When she got out of the bathroom she started hearing a strange noise from outside. She went to the window and looked around the highway. There was nothing there. But then, where was the sound coming from? She suddenly looked up and had the shock of her life.There was some sort of flying dish, like an UFO that people admitted to see in other instances. IT passed right over her house so Sarah went to the window from the back of the house.She saw the ship landing right in her backyard. The door of the ship opened and a slimy green tiny creature got out of it. He had some sort of a scanner in his hand and pointed it at the ground from my backyard. He was standing still for some seconds then he got back in the ship and flew away into the clouds. During all this time Sarah was staying there, mouth open wider . She was really confused and at the same terrified, but she finally thought it was just a dream and she went straight to her bed. Two hours later she woke up again, but not in her bed this time...