
Vreau 10 propozitii in engleza-traduse.Si apoi pasivizate.Va rog mult.Dau coroana

Răspuns :

1.Today I argued with my mom.
Astăzi m-am certat cu mama mea.

2.He did his homework.
El si-a facut tema.

3.Astăzi este ziua lui Bogdan.
Today is Bogdan's birthday.

4.Emma plânge pentru ca a cazut.
Emma is cryng because she falled.

5.El a castigat competiția.
He won the competition.

6.Ei au cumparat o masina rosie.
They buyed a red car.

7.Ei se joacă cu masinutele.
They are playing with those cars .

8.Ea are un test maine.
She has a test tomorrow.

9.Ei pleaca in Franța .
They are going in France.

10.Eu astept autobuzul.
I'm waiting the buss.