
Translate the sentences below paying attention to the underlined words:
a)Viorel's mother-in-law, Mrs. Dragan, a woman of fifty, looks much younger than her age.
b)I know a little girl whose step-father treats her so kindly, so warmly.
c)Maria's ancestors lived at the foot of the Carpathians in Romania.
d)My dearest god-mother wants me to stay with her some days more.
e)Adriana is my sister-in-law. She is my husband's sister and she married a lawyer from California.
Cuvintele subliniate sunt: a)mother-in-law b)step-father c)ancestors d)god-mother e)sister-in-law

Răspuns :

a) Soacra lui Viorel, d.na Dragan , o femeie de 50 de ani, arata mult mai tanara decat varsta ei.
b) Cinosc o fetita, al carei tata vitreg o trateaza cu atata grija si caldura.
c) Stramosii Mariei traiesc in Romania la poalele Carpatilor .
d) Draga mea nasa vrea sa mai stau cu ea cateva zile.
e) Adriana este cumnata mea. Este sora sotului meu si este maritata cu un avocat din California.

soacra, tata- vitreg, stramosi, nasa, cumnata