
Imi puteti traduce in engleza dau coroana. Dorinta oamenilor de a demonstra ca sunt cei mai buni in toate activitatile pe care le intrepind a dus la aparitia violentei. un exemplu concludent in acest sens este prezenta agresivitati in sport aparuta din cauza dorintei competitorilror de a excela , chiar daca aceasta duce la ranirea adversarului , atitudine lipsita , bineinteles de fair-play . violenta in sport a devenit o problema pe teren cat si in afara lui intre participanti , spectatori. de regula , in timpul competitei agresivitatea si violenta se exprima prin limbaj iar uneori spectatorii nemultumiti de evolutia sportivilor pe care-i sustin recurg la gesturi violente traduse prin aruncarea de obiecte in teren , huiduind adversari . mai grave sunt acele situati cand spectatori nemultumiti ii agreseaza pe arbitri , pe sportivi din echipa adversa . indiferent care sunt cauzele , trebuie subliniat faptul ca violenta in sport ia amploare tot mai mare . masurile de prevenire pot fi de mare diversitate : masuri educative si sociale ,ameliorarea relatiilor dintre club si suporteri , controlul spectatorilor prin camere de supraveghere ,interventii ale politei . urgent dau coroanaaa!!!!!

Răspuns :

People's desire to prove they are the best in all the activities they engage has led to violence. a convincing example is the presence of aggressiveness in the sport due to the competitive desire to excel, even if it leads to the injury of the opponent, a lack of attitude, of course fair-play. violence in sports has become a problem both on the ground and outside it between spectators, spectators. as a rule, during the competition, aggression and violence are expressed through language, and sometimes spectators dissatisfied with the evolution of their athletes resort to violent gestures translated by throwing objects on the ground, booing opponents. more serious are those where dissatisfied viewers aggresses the referees, the athletes from the opposing team. no matter what the causes, it should be stressed that violence in sport is growing. prevention measures can be of great diversity: educational and social measures, improvement of the relations between the club and supporters, control of viewers through surveillance cameras, interventions of the police.