
Traduceti textul: Stresul isi face mereu simtita prezenta in viata oricarui om. Daca mereu am fi trezi, viata ar deveni plictisitoare, mereu ai munci, ai munci si ai munci apoi oboseala si plictiseala vor aparea. Dupa un pui de somn odihnitor parca esti scoasa din hartie. Somnul este unul dintre nevoile noastre, ca si telefonul ce are nevoie de curent pentru a merge si noi, de asemenea. Cand vrei ceva si mai relaxant ca somnul o calatorie, un ceai, o partida de cumparaturi, un film, ceva distractiv va fi relaxant si poate chiar iti va face mai bine ca somnul.

Răspuns :

Stress is always making his presence felt in every human's life. If we were always awake, life would become boring, you would always work, work and work then fatigue and boredom will appear. After a restful nap it's like you're out of paper. Sleep is one of our needs, like our phone which needs electricity to work, we too need sleep. When you want something relaxing than sleep, a voyage, a tea, a shopping spree, a ovie, something more entertaining will be more relaxing and maybe it will make your sleep better.