
Imi puteţi traduce următorul text vă rog frumos
I'am good but i have exams this week at school. I write to answer your letter in which you ask for my advice.
There are a range of options you could choose from. But before i begin with those, i like to say it's a shame you can't take extra lessons. I had extra lessons when i wanted to improve my French and that it helped a lot, but that was also because of my to the English music more often.
Of course you shouldn't spend hours to listen to music. That's just a waste of time! Listening to songs in English is a good way to learn new vocabulary, and it's fun too! Furthermore, if i was you i'd read more in English. You can also have conversations with a friend in English, and then correct each other's mistakes. Be serious, though. I did it once and we just ended up laughing the whole time!
I recommend that you accept these advices on the matter.

Răspuns :

Sunt bun, dar am examene saptaman asta la scoala. Scriu sa iti raspund la scrisoare in care mi-ai cerut sfaturi.
Sunt o gramada de optiuni din care ai putea alege. Dar, inainte sa incep cu acelea, mi-ar placea sa spun ca este o rusine ca tu nu poti sa iei lectii ore in plus. Eu am avut ore in plus cand am vrut sa-mi imbunatatesc franceza si aia a ajutat foarte mult, dar aia a fost datorita melodiilor in engleza pe care le ascultam des.
Cu siguranta ca nu ar trebui sa petreci ore ascultand muzica. Aia ii doar o pierdere de timp! Ascultand melodii in engleza este o modalitate buna de a iti imbogati vocabularul, este si distractiv! In plus, daca eram in locul tau, as citi in engleza. De asemenea, ai putea avea conversatii in engleza cu un prieten, si apoi sa va corectati greselile unul altuia. Fii serios, totusi. Am facut-o o data si am ajuns sa radem in tot acest timp!
Iti recomand sa accepti aceste sfaturi.