
Traduceti in engleza, tinand cont de timpurile verbale corecte.
1. Copilul plange.
2. Copilul a plans acum două ore.
3. Copilul a plans toata ziua.
4. Copilul plange in fiecare noapte.
5. Copilul plange de la ora cinci.
6. Copilul plangea de la ora cinci cand tatal a ajuns acasa.
7. Ieri pe vremea asta copilul plangea.
8. Copilul plangea cand s-a intrerupt lumina.
9. Copilul plangea in fiecare zi anul trecut.
10. Copilul plansese inainte ca tatal sa ajunga acasa

Răspuns :

1. The child is crying.2. The child was crying two hours ago.3. The baby has been crying all day.4. The child cries every night.5. The child is crying at five o'clock.6. The child was crying at five o'clock when the father arrived home.7. Yesterday at this time, the child was crying.8. The child was crying when the light broke.9. The child cried every day last year.10. The child had been crying before the father came home
1. the child is crying.
2. the child cried two hours ago.
3. the child has been crying all day.
4. the child cries every night.
5. the child has been crying since five o'clock.
6. the child was crying at five o'clock when his dad arrived at home.
7. yesterday now the child was crying.
8. the child was crying when the light turned off.
9. the child use to cry every day last year.
10. the child has been crying before his dad arrived at home.

sper ca te am ajutat.