
Science has learnt a great deal from polar expeditions. For instance, we now know a lot more about the effects polar conditions have on a person's mind and body. In the early days, explorers often went mad. One cause of this madness was later discovered" when people aren't used to living in extreme cold, their bodies use up a lot of energy to keep warm and this gets rid of all the vitamins in the body. The brain,deprived of vitamins,can't work normally , at least until the body gets used to the cold. After a certain period, the body adapts itself to its new environment and makes the most of whatever vitamins are available. The time spent in total darkness also has a negative effect on people's minds. Winter in polar regions is characterised by permanent night and lasts several months. Human beings are not used to spending long periods of time in the dark. In northern latitudes people get depressed during the dark winter months.Now we know that this depression- known as sad ( Seasonal Affective Disorder) - can be reduced by the use of sun lamps. Low temperatures can cause any part of the body to freeze. This painful condition is called frostbite. Although the body does get used to functioning in low temperatures, the danger of frostbite is always there if temperatures fall below freezing point. Nowadays, polar explorers carry medication which they can take to allow the blood to flow and slowly defrost the affected parts. Another common disorder is altitude sickness. The ice is sometimes more than three kilometres thick, which makes Antarctica one of the highest regions in the world. At that altitude there is little oxygen, so headaches, vomiting and dehydration the symptoms of altitude sickness -- are common. After about a year at high altitude, the body gets used to the lack of oxygen in the air. It compensates by storing more oxygen in the blood.

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     Science has learnt a great deal from polar expeditions. For instance, we now know a lot more about the effects polar conditions have on a person's mind and body. In the early days, explorers often went mad. One cause of this madness was later discovered.  When people aren't used to living in extreme cold, their bodies use up a lot of energy to keep warm and this gets rid of all the vitamins in the body. The brain,deprived of vitamins,can't work normally , at least until the body gets used to the cold. After a certain period, the body adapts itself to its new environment and makes the most of whatever vitamins are available.

       The time spent in total darkness also has a negative effect on people's minds. Winter in polar regions is characterised by permanent night and lasts several months. Human beings are not used to spending long periods of time in the dark. In northern latitudes people get depressed during the dark winter months.Now we know that this depression- known as sad ( Seasonal Affective Disorder) - can be reduced by the use of sun lamps. Low temperatures can cause any part of the body to freeze. This painful condition is called frostbite. Although the body does get used to functioning in low temperatures, the danger of frostbite is always there if temperatures fall below freezing point. Nowadays, polar explorers carry medication which they can take to allow the blood to flow and slowly defrost the affected parts.

        Another common disorder is altitude sickness. The ice is sometimes more than three kilometres thick, which makes Antarctica one of the highest regions in the world. At that altitude there is little oxygen, so headaches, vomiting and dehydration, the symptoms of altitude sickness - are common. After about a year at high altitude, the body gets used to the lack of oxygen in the air. It compensates by storing more oxygen in the blood.


Stiinta a evoluat foarte mult  in urma expeditiilor polare. De exemplu,acum stim mai multe despre efectele pe care conditiile polare le au asupra mintii si corpului unei persoane. La inceput, exploratorii adesea innebuneau. O cauza a acestei nebunii a fost descoperita mai tarziu. Atunci cand oamenii nu sunt obisnuiti sa traiasca in conditii de frig extrem, trupurile lor consuma multa energie pentru a se mentine calde si astfel elimina toate vitaminele din organism. Creierul, lipsit de vitamine, nu poate functiona normal, cel putin pana cand organismul se obisnuieste cu frigul.  Dupa o anumita perioada, organismul se adapteaza la mediul sau nou si foloseste vitaminele in cel mai bun mod cu putinta.

        Timpul petrecut in intuneric total are de asemenea efecte negative asupra mintii oamenilor.Iarna in regiunile polare este caracterizata prin noapte permanenta si dureaza mai multe luni. Fiintele umane nu sunt obisnuite sa petreaca perioade lungi de timp in intuneric. In latitudinile nordice, oamenii devin deprimati in timpul lunilor intunecate de iarna. Acum stim ca aceasta depresie- cunoscuta ca TAS (tulburare afectiva sezoniera) – poate fi redusa prin folosirea lampilor solare. Temperaturile scazute pot provoca inghetarea oricarei parti a corpului. Aceasta stare dureroasa se numeste degeratura.  Desi organismal se obisnuieste sa functioneze la temperature scazute, pericolul degerarii este intotdeauna prezent daca temperaturile scad sub punctul de inghet. In zilele noastre, exploratorii polari poarta cu ei medicamente pe care le pot lua pentru a permite fluidizarea sangelui si dezghetarea lenta a partilor afectate.

O alta tulburare obisnuita este raul de altitudine. Gheata are uneori mai mult de trei kilometri grosime, ceea ce face Antarctica una din cele mai inalte regiuni din lume. La acea altitudine exista putin oxigen, astfel incat durerile de cap, varsaturile si dezhidratarea , simptomele raului de altitudine-sunt commune. Dupa aproximativ un an la altitudine mare, corpul se obisnuieste  cu lipsa oxigenului in aer. Compenseaza prin stocarea a mai mult oxigen in sange.