
Va rog sa imi traduceti in limba engleza aceasta compunere,dau coroana va rog!!!

Profesorul meu preferat este profesoara de limba romana.Ea mereu m-a indrumat pe calea cea buna.Imi spunea mereu daca e corect sau nu si chiar daca aveam ciuda pe ea mereu imi spunea ca cindva vom intelege ca ceea ce face ea pentru noi e spre binele nostru.Ea ne-a invatat sa vorbim limba natala si fara greseli sa putem spune poezii cu intonatie minunata.M-a invatat multe lucruri care acum imi prinde bine pentru invatatura.Nu zic ca nu imi faceam regulat tema la romana dar se intimpla uneori si mai uitam.Atunci ea deodata se uita la mn in ochi si invelegea fara sa-i mai spun ceva.Ea imi este ca o mama care ma ajuta mereu si o respect foarte mult pentru aceasta.

Răspuns :

My favorite teacher is a Romanian language teacher. She always guided me on the right path. She always told me whether she was right or not, and even if I did, despite her she always told me that we would soon understand that what she does for us is for the good It taught us to speak our native tongue and without mistakes. We can say poems with wonderful intonation. She taught me many things that now I get good for learning. I do not say I did not make my homework regularly in Romanian, but it sometimes happens even more watching. Then she suddenly looked at me in the eye and wrapped up without saying anything to her. She is like a mother who always helps me and I really respect her for it.