
Intr-o zi frumoasa de primavara, regina se plimbă prin padurea ce înconjura castelul, bucurandu-se de mireasma dimineții, de cântecul păsărilor si de vuietul vântului.
In timpul acesta, zanele s-au hotărât sa pregătească o petrecere, stiind ca reginei ii plac petrecerile. Au atârnat baloane colorate si ghirlande multicolore, steaguri cu tara lor.
Dupa ce au terminat, au vazut in tufisul preferat al reginei o coroana de flori. Au luat-o bucuroase si au asteptat întoarcerea reginei.
Când regina s-a întors, a fost bucuroasă de isprava prietenilor ei si a primit coroana pe cap. Dar, cum coroana a atins părul lin al reginei, regina s-a transformat intr-o regina rea cu rochie cafenie, si a spus:
- Ha, ha, ha! De acum veti fi slujitoarele mele pe veci!
Zonele s-au speriat si au luat-o la goana spre pădure, oprindu-se la umbra unui copac.
- Ce sa facem? întreba Madona
- Sa mergem la vrăjitorul pădurii! El va sti ce sa facă! spuse Florea
- Buna idee! au spus ele.
Si astfel au plecat spre castelul vrajitorului

Va rog, dau 50 punce si coroana
Va rog din suflet

Răspuns :

On a beautiful spring day, the Queen was walking through the forest that surrounds the castle, enjoying the dewy morning, the sound of birds singing and the sound of the wind blowing. In the same time, the fairies have decided to set up a party, knowing that the Queen loves parties. They hanged colorful balloons, festoons and flags of their own country.
After they have finished, they saw a flower crown in the Queen's favorite bush. They happily took it and waited for the Queen to return.
When the Queen came back, she was happy for the deed of her friends and she put on the flower crown that her friends were so excited to see her wearing. But, as soon as the flower crown touched the Queen's hair, she transformed in an evil Queen with a brown dress. She said:
"Hahaha! From now on, you'll forever be my servants. "
The fairies got scared and they run into the woods, hiding in the shadow of a tree.
"What should we do?" asked Madona.
"We have to go to the Wizard of the Forest! He knows what to do!" said Flower.
"Good idea" the other fairies said simultaneously.
Thereby, they went to the Wizard's castel.