
Hei!Imi puteti explica si mie diferentele dintre past simple si past continuous? Adica cand folosim unul si cand celalalt. De exemplu "Just as I.......................... the last page the thelephone..............,trebuie sa completez cu finish si ring pe finish la ce timp il pun si de ce? Si in cazul lui ring la fel. Va rog mult!! Urgent!

Răspuns :

past simple se foloseste atunci cand este : yesterday,last week.(month,year),2 hours,weeks,days ago etc.,dar past continuous se foloseste atunci cand este when,while,as long as etc.
de exemplu la past simple:i worked all night. she broke her arm.   (aici tragem atentia la -ed si broke)
de exemplu la past continuous: i was drinking tea. they were speaking one the phone.  (aici tragem atentia la was were si -ing)
just as i finished the last page the thelephone is ringing. sper ca te-am ajutat