
Traduceti mi va rog aceste propozitii ;
1)Intotdeauna platesc eu oalele sparte de aceea refuz sa te ajut sa jefuieste banca in ciuda faptului ca m ai rugat demult sa o fac si stiu ca promisesem dar m am razgandit .
2) A spus ca ii ajunge cat a muncit , ca tunde iarba din frageda copilarie , ca vrea sa vada lumea asa ca a plecat intr-un tur al lumii si acum viziteaza Franta.
3) Eram sigur ca e pus pe rele asa ca am incercat sa ma inteleg cu el dar el a plecat ieri trantind usa de perete si zicand ca n a fost niciodata asa de satul de toate.
4)A fost ultima picatura cand a spus ca se plimba de cinci ore in timp ce noi ii faceam temele iar tatal lui l a luat la bataie si acum el e sigur ca n am fost niciodata de partea lui .
5)A facut o mare greseala atunci cand a marturisit ca fura stilouri de ani de zile si ca a fost prins de politie cam din doua in doua luni dar acum nevasta lui l a iertat si l a facut sa promita ca nu mai fura si se poarta frumos .
P.S. nu sunt facute de mine propozitiile :))))

Răspuns :

1) I always pay for broken pots, so I refuse to help you rob the bank despite the fact that you asked me to do it long ago and I know that I promised but I changed my mind.

2) He said that he got to work as he cut through the grass of his early childhood, wants to see the world, so he went on a tour of the world and is now visiting France.

3) I was sure it was bad, so I tried to get along with him but he left yesterday by pulling the wall door and saying he was never such a village of all.

4) It was the last drop when he said that he was walking for five hours while we were doing his homework and his dad beat him and now he's sure I was never on his side.

5) He made a big mistake when he confessed that he was stealing pens for years and that he was caught by the police about every two months but now his wife forgave him and made him promise he is no longer stealing and behaving beautifully .