
Tradu urmatoarele propoziti in engleza : 1) Ea nu mai vorbeste cu el de 2 ani . 2) Fred nu a citit niciodata Shakespear . 3) Ai cerut deja voie la parintii tai? (ask). 4) Paul nu este acasa de 3 nopti . 5) El tocmai a parasit biroul . 6) Eu nu am incercat niciodata sa mananc pizza cu usturoi . 7) Pana acum vecina noastra a fost foarte amabila . 8)Ai organizat vreodata o petrecere?

Răspuns :

1. she has not talked with he for two years
2. Fred has not read Shakespear.
3. you have already asked for permission from your parents?
4. Paul has not home for three nights
5. He has left the desk right now.
6. I never tried to eat pizza with Garlic.
7. Until now our neighbor was very nice.
8. Have you ever organized a party?