
At half past six this morning I was on my normal route . I was delivering milk to a large block of flats . I hsd just reached Mr Hannay s flad on the first floor when the door opened . Mr Hannay asked me to come in . He sounded a bit stressed . He held out a one pound note . He said I could have it if I did him a favour . He wanted to exchange clother with me for ten minutes . I agreed to do it . I thought that the extra money would be useful . Then Mr Hannay got dressed in my milkman”s outfit and left the flad . I never saw him again .

Răspuns :

La ora 6 si jumatate in aceasta dimineata eram pe traseul meu normal. Livram lapte la un bloc mare cu apartamente. Abia ajunsesem la apartamentul lui Mr.Hannay si usa s-a deschis. M-a rugat sa intru. Parea putin stresat. El tinea o notă de o lira. A zis ca poate fi a mea daca ii fac o favoare. El voia sa schimbam hainele intre noi pentru 10 minute. Am fost de acord , ma gandeam ca acei bani in plus ar fi folositori.
Dupa aceea Mr. Hannay s-a costumat in costumul de lăptar si a iesit din apartament. Nu l-am mai vazut niciodata.

Cu placere !