
propoziții cu cuv lettre; worse ; less; leasser; more ; older; later; nearer; elder; latter; further si forther VA ROG E URGEEENNT DAU COROANA

Răspuns :

Lettre inseamna litera in franceza deci poate ai vrut sa scrii letter: (daca nu, îmi pare pare)
I sent a letter to my aunt from another country.
It could be worse than that.
I scored less than Alina.
The same applies to forests, although to a lesser degree.
She wanted more sweets.
He is older than me.
We will meet later today.
He was nearer so he grabbed it more easily.
My elder brother is named Andrew.
I shall single out the latter point.
He leaned further.
And forther he said that she was beautiful.

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