
Draga Alin
Pe data de 16 Decembrie actorul meu preferat Mihai Bendeac va sustine un spectacol de comedie in parcul Carlol din Bucuresti
Mereu am vrut sa merg la un spectacol de al lui dar nu am avut ocazia pana acum
Ador ceea ce face si are glume minunate care iti da o stare de bine si oricat ai fii de trist iti aduce macar un mic zamet pe fata
Eu am luat doua bilete la spectacol si m-asi bucura daca ai veni cu mine , cu aceasta ocazie ne revedem si noi ca nu ne-am mai vazut de mult timp
Sper sa imi accepti invitatia si sa mergem amandoi la spectaloc unde vom rade si ne vom simti bine
cu drag prietena ta Ionela

Răspuns :

Dear Alin,
In the sixteenth(16th)of December,my favourite actor Mihai Bendeac will have a comedy spectacle in the Carol park in Bucharest.I have always wanted to go to one of his spectacles,but I haven't had an ocasion since now. I adore what he does and he has wonderful jokes which are making you feeling better and how sad are you,they are making you to smile.I had taken 2 billets to the spectacle and I will be very happy if you come with me,with this ocasion we will see.I hope to accept my invitation.
With love,your friend,Ionela