
Traduceti si alcatuiti propoziitii IN ENGLEZA cu cuvintele
greenhouse effect
to pollute

Răspuns :

Is about my life - Este despite viata mea . ( despre)
A black blanket - O patura neagra (patura/plapuma)
^My extinct was right - Instinctul meu a fost drept ( instinct )^
Now she is farming - Acum ea gospodareste. (a gospodari)
it is a special green house effect- Este un efect special al casei verzi
He is hunting -El vaneaza (a vana)
It is a pollution - Este o polutie (polutie)
My reason is good -Parerea mea e buna
I've been taste the wildlife -Am gustat viata salbatica
Is about my life - Este despite viata mea . ( despre)
A black blanket - O patura neagra (patura/plapuma)
^My extinct was right - Instinctul meu a fost drept ( instinct )^
Now she is farming - Acum ea gospodareste. (a gospodari)
it is a special green house effect- Este un efect special al casei verzi
He is hunting -El vaneaza (a vana)
It is a pollution - Este o polutie (polutie)
My reason is good -Parerea mea e buna
I've been taste the wildlife -Am gustat viata salbatica