
Faceti un dialog cu un coleg de clasa prima data faceti in romana apoi in engleza.

Va rog ajutatima ofer coroana cui imi ras primu pana la ora 16:00

Răspuns :

-Buna Dragos!Ce faci?
-Buna Flavius,bie tu?
-Ai scris tema la tehnologie?
-Nu nu am avut timp,pentru ca am invatat pentru teza...
-Eu da la 23:40 m-am pus in pat .
-Dupa ce scapam de scoala vii la mine sa facem temele impreuna?
-Da,dar ai telefonul la tine?
-Desigur,nu plec nicaieri fara el
-Tipic lui Dragosi,atunci d-am si mie s-o sun pe mama sa-i spun ca dupa ore vin la tine sa nu-si faca griji
-Bine,bine taci ca veni domnu de Istorie

-Honey Dragos! What are you doing?
- Well, Flavius, are you here?
Did you write the theme to technology?
- I did not have time, because I learned for the thesis ...
-I'm in bed at 23:40.
-When I get rid of the living school to me, do the homework together?
-Yes, but do you have the phone with you?
-Of course, I'm not going anywhere without him
-Thanks to Dragos, then I'd like to call my mom telling him that after hours I come to you not to worry
-Okay, okay, hold on to Mr. History