
Trebuie sa fac un eseu in engleza despre :The television is often blamed for children's bad behaviour or for generating violence in society. What is your opinion on this?

Răspuns :

My opinion is that even though television has a big impact on every human in this world, it shouldn't always be blamed for children's bad behavior or violence in the world, especially nowadays.

First, a lot of us know that television makes everything look worst. If it was a small earthquake they'll say we'll die tomorrow. It happens the same thing with violence and yes, it could make a big change in children's behavior as well as cartoons which are not indicated to them anymore because there's a lot of violence and being small, they are copying everything, it but the main source in our days is actually the internet and adults' behaviour as well. If they wouldn't be violent, wouldn't let kids watch everything they want and spend more time with them, probably they wouldn't be like this.

So, I would like to think that actually, it's about family and we shouldn't blame just on other things, we should rather make a change before is not too late for it.