
translate into english: 1. Poate se va duce in excursie daca va avea voie
2. S-a intamplat ca Lisa si Jim sa se intalneasca chiar in acelasi loc din nou.
3. Se lauda cu lucrarea lui de parca ar fi fost ceva extraordinar.
4. Credea ca stie totul foarte bine, dar rezultatul lui a dovedit ca s-a inselat.
5. Daca m-ai asculta, ai avea mai putine probleme decat ai avut pana acum.

Răspuns :

1.Maybe it will trip you will be allowed
2.It has happened that Lisa and Jim to meet even the same place again.

3. boast of his work as if it was something extraordinary.

4. thinks he knows everything very well, but his result was proved wrong.
 5. If I listen, you have fewer problems than you had before.