
Write similar latters to your frends about your last holiday or tip.Don't forget to mention :how you arrived there ,where you stayed/if you sayed,the food,the people there,what you did,any place you visited,other interesting information

Răspuns :

My last holiday was a few months ago in the Christmas holidays. I strongly dislike the cold and because of this, me and my parents opted to go for a trip somewhere warmer: Hawaii. We took the plane (cool flight attendants by the way!) since it was the fastest way to get there.
It was both a relaxing and interesting trip because unexpectedly, there was harmless volcanic activity to observe. It was a truly unique experience as, geologically speaking, the likelihood of such an event happening twice in a lifetime is negligibly small.
While this was indeed the highlight of my trip, I cannot overlook the (rather large) time that I spent on the beach. I got a really nice tan and had a nice swim in the warm water. The friends were all jealous on social media because while they were having to wear thick clothing and curl up by the metaphorical fireplace, I was taking bikini selfies.
The food was amazing. It was an exotic, unique cuisine that I didn't previously have the chance to try anywhere else. However, I will say that some food is an acquired taste and I wouldn't necessarily eat it every day. That being said, there was a large portion of what I tried that I absolutely loved.

Finally, I arrived home tired, but hopeful for another such holiday that really brings you in touch with yourself and puts you out of your comfort zone to go exploring and see so many things you otherwise wouldn't.

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