
câte 3 propoziții de fiecare in engleza : to singur , to write , to play

Câte 3 Propoziții De Fiecare In Engleza To Singur To Write To Play class=

Răspuns :

To sing:
Yesterday i sing in my room.
Now i will go and sing.
My teacher want to sing an special music.
Ieri am cantat in camera mea.
Acum ma duc sa cant.
Profesoara mea vrea sa cante o muzica speciala.
To write:
I will write my homework soon.
In the class i write so much better.
I will go to write my lesson with my sister.
O sa imi scriu tema imediat.
In clasa scriu mult mai bine.
Ma duc sa-mi scriu lectia cu sora mea.
To play:
I want to play here and now!
I will play when i finish my homeworks.
I like to play just when is day.
Vreau sa ma joc aici si acum!
O sa ma joc cand imi termin temele.
Imi place sa ma joc doar cand e zi.
I like to sing in the tub.
I don't wanna sing right now.
My dad likes to sing in the morning.

I didn't write my homework.
He wants do write a poem.
My dad wrote the book.

I like to play video games.
He wants to play the piano.
We we're playing football.

He made me laugh.
My dad made a gun.
He wants to make a game.