
De facut propoziții cu cuvintele urmatoare propozițiile sa fie in engleza si plus traducerea lor :leaving you -lysail, sailed,cry,cried, want, wanted,dance,danced,hurry, hurried,ask,asked,receive,received,belong, belonged,try,tried,hate,hated, move, moved, study, studied, play,played, stay, stayed. VA ROGG DAU COROANAA

Răspuns :

I'm leaving you because I can't take it anymore. (Te prasesc pentru ca nu pot sa mai suport)
The boat sailed down the coast.(Barca naviga de-alungul coastei.)
I cry every single time.(Plang de fiecare data.)
I cried when I heard the news.(Am plans cand am auzit noutatile.)
I want to go there as soon as possible.(Vreau sa merg acolo cat de curand posibil)
When she saw the t-shirt, she wanted to get it.(Cand a vazut tricoul, a vrut sa il obtina)
I dance every weekend at the fitness class.( Dansez in fiecare weekend la cursul de fitness.)
They danced thinking about the holidays that are yet to come. (Au dansat gandindu-se la vacantele ce urmeaza sa vina.)
She had to hurry up to arrive at the movie.(A trebuit sa se grabeasca ca sa ajunga la film)