
Traduceti textele in limba romana:
1.A hand up means,in most countries,that someone's attention is being called,while both hands held above the head signifies surrender.
2.Hands held toghether usually signify prayer,but the same gesture is used by Indians and other Asian people as a greeting.
3.Tapping the temple means you are crazy almost anywhere in Europe,except in Holland,where the same gesture means ,,How clever!"

Răspuns :

1. O mana in sus inseamna, in cele mai multe tari, ca atentia cuiva este solicitata, in timp ce amandoua mainile tinute deasupra capului inseamna predare.
2. Mainile impreunate de obicei inseamna rugaciune, dar acelasi gest este folosit de indieni si alti asiatici ca un salut.
3. Atingerea tamplei inseamna ca esti nebun aproape oriunde in Europa, inafara de Olanda, unde acelasi gest inseamna "Ce inteligent!"