
am si eu de facut compunerea asta in engleza. Ultimul om de pe pamant statea singurcintr-o camera.A existat o bataie la usa.Cand acesta s-a dus catre usa sa deschida din nou,se auzi o bataie doar ca mai puternica.Acesta ezita sa deschida si dintr-o data inceteaza sa se mai auda.Acesta se ghemui intr-un loc din camera sperand ca i s-a parut si continua sa stea singur ingandurat ca si cum nimic nu se intamplase.Cand credea ca i s-a parut si totul a fost doar o inchipuire se aude din nou o lovitura in usa.Omul se
duce sa deschida intr-un final se uita in jur si nu vede nimic.Inchide usa; din nou o bataie se aude in usa.Acesta inervat deschide usa din nou se uita si iar nu vede nimic in jur cu exceptia unei ramure care atarna deasupra usii si se ciocnea cu putere in bataia vantului.Si asa omul a constatat ca nimeni nu avea sa ii calce pragul si ca soarta l-a pedepsit sa fie singur,ultimul om de pe pamant.

Răspuns :

The last man on earth was standing alone in a room.There was a beating on the door.When he went to the door to open again,there was a beating just as strong.To esitated to open and suddenly ceases to hear.He strokes in a place in rhe room hopping.He seemed and continued to stand alone as if nothing had to happened.When he thought he seemed and it was just an insight he heard a shoot again in the door.The man went to open.Finally he looked around and sees nothing close the door.Again a beating sounds in the door.This annoyed opens the door again,looking an no one sees anything except a branch hanging over the door and crashing violently in the beating of the wind and so the man found at nobody would cross his thres hold and that his fate punished him.Either alone the last man on the earth.
Sper ca te-am ajutat si ca o sa imi dai coronita.M-am straduit foarte mult sa o traduc,am cautat si in dictionarul meu de acasa vreo 2-3 cuvinte.
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