
Articol in engleza despre avantajele si dezavantajele jocurilor video

Răspuns :

Benefits of video games:

1. Most games favor the development of logic to solve problems through puzzles and riddles.

 2. Video games streamline decision making because players develop long-term ability to figure out effectively the possibilities of an option, evaluating the best way to go. Playing games develop a better perception of what is happening around players, according to a research conducted by scientists the University of Rochester in New York (2010).

 3. The interaction in video games improves fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination of preschool children, according to a study by Deakin University in Melbourne.

4. Cooperative and online games promote sociability, teamwork, ability to solve problems together for both children and adults.  

Negative effects of video games:

1. Aggressiveness: children are increasingly exposed to growing physical and sexual violence present in all media. The violent content of these media may cause childhood aggression (Anderson 2007).


2. Violence and pornography: video games such as “Grand Thief Auto” and “Call of Duty” for over 18 years, are training children to shoot and kill in a virtual world in which the values ​​of life are lost.

Online multiplayer games are not recommended for children under 13 years because it is in this environment where unhealthy habits (rudeness, bullying , addiction, pornography ) develop, says Andrew Doan, medical PhD, author of “Hooked on Games”.

3. Attention problems: high speed media content can contribute to attention deficit disorder, as well as decreased concentration and memory (Christakis 2004 , Small 2008).  Elementary school children who play video games more than two hours a day were 67 % more likely to develop attention problems, according to a study published in Pediatrics magazine.


4. Impatience: “New technologies make us more impatient and decrease frustration tolerance. They also relax a part of our brain that has to be worked”, said Alvaro Bilbao, neuropsychologist.


5. Addiction: the player’s immediate response to stimuli game generates a mini-reward in the form of release of dopamine (pleasure hormone).