
Animals can live in many different places of the world because they
have special adaptations to the area they live in. An adaptation is a way
an animal's body helps it survive, or live, in its environment.
Camels have many adaptations that allow them to live successfully
in desert conditions . Deserts are hot and dry. Winds blow sand
all around, so a camel has long eyelashes that keep sand out of the
camel’s eyes. Thick eyebrows shield the eyes from the desert sun. A
camel can go a week or more without water, and they can last for several
months without food. Th ey can drink up to 32 gallons (46 litres) of water
at one drinking session! Camels store fat in their humps. Th e fat can be
metabolised for energy.
Some other desert creatures possess an even more amazing ability
– they are able to live their entire life without drinking any water. Th ese
are kangaroo rats (genus Dipodomys), some unique wonders of creation. Kangaroo rats are small rodents with
large heads and eyes and long tuft ed tails. Th ey live in dry, hot, desert habitats. Th ey can be found in Canada, the
United States, and Mexico. Th ey make their homes in dry, sandy or rocky soil with little to no vegetation. As their
name suggests, they have powerful hind legs that allow them to jump like a kangaroo. Kangaroo rats can survive
on a diet of dry seeds and obtain all the moisture they need from their metabolic water. Th ey are able to do this
because of their well-adapted body systems, which are highly effi cient in conserving water. Kangaroo rats do not
have sweat glands and do not pant, preventing them from losing water due to evaporation. Kangaroo rats spend
the hot days inside their extensive underground burrows. Th e humidity is much higher inside the burrows, preventing
the kangaroo rats from losing as much moisture through respiration as they would in the dry desert air.

Răspuns :

Animalele pot trai in diferite locuri ale lumii pentru ca ele se adapteaza la locul in care traiesc. Adaptarea este modul in care corpul animalului il ajuta sa supravietuiasca, sa traiasca in mediul lui. 
Camilele sunt adaptate sa traiasca in conditii de desert. Deserturile sunt fierbinti si uscate. Vanturile spulbera nisipul peste tot, deci camila are gene lungi care nu permit acestuia sa-i intre in ochi. Spancenele groase protejeaza ochii de soarele desertului. O camila poate merge o saptamana si mai mult fara apa si pot rezista mai multe luni fara mancare. Pot bea pana la 46 litri de apa dintr-o data. Camilele depoziteaza grasime in cocoase. Grasimea poate fi transformata in energie. Si alte creaturi din desert poseda abilitati uimitoare: sunt capabile sa traiasca toata viata fara sa bea apa.Acestea sunt cangurii sobolani: niste creaturi minunate si unice. Cangurii sobolani sunt niste rozatoare mici cu capete si ochi mari si cu cozi lungi cusute. Ei locuiesc in deserturi uscate si fierbinti. Pot fi gasiti in Canada, Statele Unite si Mexic. Isi fac adaposturile in soluri uscate, nisipoase sau stancoase cu vegetatie putina sau deloc. Dupa cum o sugereaza si numele lor, au piciare scurte si puternice, care le permit sa sara precum un cangur. Cangurul sobolan poate supravietui cu o dieta alcatuita din seminte uscate si isi obtin toata umezeala de care au nevoie din metabolismul propriu. Sunt capabili sa faca asta pentru ca corpul sau este bine adaptat in a conserva apa. Ei nu au glande sudoripare si nu gafaie, impiedicandu-i sa piarda apa in urma evaporarii. Cangurii sobolani isi petrec zilele fierbinti in interiorul extinselor vizuini subpamantene, impiedicandu-i sa piarda umezeala prin respiratie, asa cum s-ar intamola daca ar sta in aerul uscat al desertului.