
Mă puteți ajuta, vă rog, cu traducerea acetui text în engleză:
Românii se căsătoresc în general la sate începând cu vârsta de 20 de ani. "Sezonul nunții" apare atunci când vinul este destul de bătrân și în cantitate mare. Nici o nuntă nu poate avea loc în posturile mari, în cele 40 de zile dinaintea Crăciunului sau Paștilor.

Unele comunități rurale încă mai cheamă pețitori pentru a uni familiile în devenire. Unde nu e folosit un pețitor, tradiția cere ca părinții soțului să ceară mâna fetei de la părinții acesteia. Pețitorul folosește o poezie specială, cunoscută de folcloriști sub denumirea de orație de nuntă, o alegorie în care un tînăr vânător pleacă sa vâneze o caprioară.

Familia mirelui trece apoi din casă în casă cu sticle de țuică sau vin pentru a invita pe locuitorii satului la nunta feciorului lor. Toți iau parte la închinare, pentru că refuzul este echivalent cu refuzul invitației la nuntă.

Nașii lor de botez, sau alți apropiați, se alătură familiei nupțiale la nunta bisericească și la recepția de mai târziu, ce are să dureze o noapte întreagă. Unul din momentele cheie ale ceremoniei vizează despletirea coroniței de mireasă, care simbolizează schimbarea de statut, trecerea de la poziția de fată la cea de nevastă.

Răspuns :

Romanians generally marry in the countryside at the age of 20 years. The "Wedding Season" appears when the wine is old enough and in great quantity. No wedding can take place in high places during the 40 days before Christmas or Easter.
Some rural communities still call peasants to unite upcoming families. Where a clerk is not used, tradition requires that the husband's parents ask for the girl's hand from her parents. The martyr uses a special poem, known by folklorists as the wedding town, an allegory in which a young hunter goes to hunt a deer.
The groom's family then goes from house to house with bottles of wine or wine to invite the villagers to the wedding of their son. All take part in worship, because the refusal is equivalent to the refusal to invite the wedding.
Their baptismal gods, or others, join the nuptial family at the church wedding and at the later reception, which will last for an entire night. One of the key moments of the ceremony is to dismantle the bride's coronet, which symbolizes the change of status, the transition from the position of the girl to the marriage.Romanians generally marry in the countryside at the age of 20 years. The "Wedding Season" appears when the wine is old enough and in great quantity. No wedding can take place in high places during the 40 days before Christmas or Easter.
Some rural communities still call peasants to unite upcoming families. Where a clerk is not used, tradition requires that the husband's parents ask for the girl's hand from her parents. The martyr uses a special poem, known by folklorists as the wedding town, an allegory in which a young hunter goes to hunt a deer.
The groom's family then goes from house to house with bottles of wine or wine to invite the villagers to the wedding of their son. All take part in worship, because the refusal is equivalent to the refusal to invite the wedding.
Their baptismal gods, or others, join the nuptial family at the church wedding and at the later reception, which will last for an entire night. One of the key moments of the ceremony is to dismantle the bride's coronet, which symbolizes the change of status, the transition from the position of the girl to the marriage.

uite aici : Romanians generally marry in the countryside at the age of 20 years. The "Wedding Season" appears when the wine is old enough and in great quantity. No wedding can take place in high places during the 40 days before Christmas or Easter.

Some rural communities still call peasants to unite upcoming families. Where a clerk is not used, tradition requires that the husband's parents ask for the girl's hand from her parents. The martyr uses a special poem, known by folklorists as the wedding town, an allegory in which a young hunter goes to hunt a deer.

The groom's family then goes from house to house with bottles of wine or wine to invite the villagers to the wedding of their son. All take part in worship, because the refusal is equivalent to the refusal to invite the wedding.

Their baptismal gods, or others, join the nuptial family at the church wedding and at the later reception, which will last for an entire night. One of the key moments of the ceremony is to dismantle the bride's coronet, which symbolizes the change of status, the transition from the position of the girl to the marriage.
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