
Faceti enunturi in engleza cu urmatoarele cuvinte. Si engleza si romana. Perete, biblioteca, lampa, scaun, birou, pat, radio, masa, postere, picturi , usa, plapuma,

Răspuns :

In dormitor am un perete foarte colorat.
In the bedroom I have a very colorful wall.

Biblioteca bunicii are multe carti vechi.
Grandma's library has many old books.

Lampa cea veche s-a spart.
The old lamp has broken.

Mi-am cumparat un scaun nou.
I bought a new chair.

Maine, nu merg la birou!
Tomorrow, I'm not going to the office!

Am nevoie de un pat nou.
I need a new bed.

Imi place sa ascult muzica la radio.
I love listening to music on the radio.

Masa din sufragerie este neîncăpătoare.
The dining table is overcrowded.

Colectia mea de postere s-a marit.
My poster collection has increased.

Diana are cele mai frumoase picturi.
Diana has the most beautiful paintings.

Usa de la intrare s-a rupt.
The door from the entrance was broken.

Plapuma mamei este foarte calduroasa.
The mother's blanket is very warm.